I think we are we are a bit like these cliffs at Hengistbury Head in Christchurch - underneath a smooth top layer of grass, there are multiple layers of different rock types laid down over the years. We all have psychological layers, although only the people who know us really well have seen those different layers. Some layers are strong, some fragile, some unknown even to us. A cliff will be stable if the foundation layers are strong, and the same applies to us.
We all have a little bit of anxiety and depression in those layers somewhere, and difficult times like these may well find them out. It's OK. Be kind to yourself. It's a good opportunity to have a ponder - what is this weaker layer that I am experiencing now? What has triggered these feelings? What can I do right now to soothe those feelings and feel a bit better?
Now is the season for kindness to self, combined with a little bit of curiosity about those hidden layers.